154 2008/04/25
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Touching from a DistanceGmnControl

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bUoǰOqvmnɭԡAwFF]Anton Corbijn^@wQ_F Tony Wilson mGQ|pɨgwn]24 Hour Party People, 2002^סCC@nuqvɺtAγ\rަbDɤWA^QĤ@N榱a^aɡAbn쪺wAHΦbnxU`ͬٲzC
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tS⪺uCvivNb425P52Pbx_N}iI@KѡACѤTӤpɡAC߼M@Τ@tCuA藍iHLC~uCvivH󬰦hCӦۭ^ꪺmܺAqvQ@ɡnOֻAJ]Zizek^Ū̻PvgݡAۻPo촵yǡơqvz׮a@_^UgvCt~٦Ӧ۬ꪺm֬OBozo Texino? nBm~HE_ѡnBmڹCVDenAӦۤꪺmȬwnu֪cڡnBmۥѫ}{nBmhnBmn...
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iqv[IjO֡Hw Agnès Vardam֡n}Le Bonheur, 1965~
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|kHGm÷R{nBecoming Jane
Mr. Austin: If a woman happens to have a particular superiority, for example, a profound mind is best kept a profound secret. Humor is liked more, but wit, no.
Lefroy: Swifts on a fine morning in May. Flying this way, that way. Sailing around at a great height perfectly happily. Then, one leaps onto the back of another, grasps tightly. And, forgetting to fly they both sink down and down in a great dying fall fathom after fathom until the female utters a loud piercing cry of ecstasy. Is this conduct commonplace in the natural history of Hampshire?
Jane: KK
Lefroy: Your ignorance is understandable since you lack what we call it? The history.
Jane: Propriety commands me to ignorance.
Lefroy: Condemns you to it. And your writing to the status of female accomplishment. If you wish to practice the art of fiction to be the equal of a masculine author, experience is vital.
Jane: I see. And what qualifies you to offer this advice?
Lefroy: I know more of the world.
Jane: But if our love destroys your family it will destroys itself. In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame. That is truth made from contradiction, but it must come with a smile.
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ߤj qvƬs vҦ Copyright ©2008 Film Studies Center, National Central University