153 2008/04/18
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X~G饻 / 2006
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mNɡnThe Remains of the Day
It is sometimes said that butlers only truly exist in England. Other countries, whatever title is actually used, have only manservants. I tend to believe this is true. Continentals are unable to be butlers because they are as a breed incapable of the emotional restraint which only the English race is capable of. Continentals V and by and large the Celts, as you will no doubt agree V are as a rule unable to control themselves in moments of strong emotion, and are thus unable to maintain a professional demeanour other than in the least challenging of situations. If I may return to my earlier metaphor V you will excuse my putting it so coarsely V they are like a man who will, at the slightest provocation, tear off his suit and his shirt and run about screaming. In a word, dignity is beyond such persons. We English have an important advantage over foreigners in this respect and it is for this reason that when you think of a great butler, he is bound, almost by definition, to be an Englishman. (p.43, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro)
Lewis: Burned again?
Stevens: Sorry, Sir. The rule of the kitchen has always been the cook cooks the breakfast, and the assistant toasts the toast.
Lewis: Why dont we just get a pop-up toaster?
Lewis: You are, all of you, amateurs. And international affairs should never be run by gentlemen amateurs. Do you have any idea of what sort of place the world is becoming all around you? The days when you could just act out of your noble instincts, are over. Europe has become the arena of realpolitik, the politics of reality. If you like: real politics. What you need is not gentlemen politicians, but real ones. You need professionals to run your affairs, or you're headed for disaster!
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