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mڪpp^an]For Horowitz^
X~G / 2006
pGAgQm֪TBءnPʱoy\AЧAbi|e٬OƦn@]åͯȦAJuԡmڪpp^an]For Horowitz^Ѥo\jPiOC
v}lOb@BoV몺өи̡Abo̪AʤPeӬݩФlqbXa^e.... |
/ G |
j[ӻPXwwqmL̼֡nqvYͰ_ |
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/ LaW (Charlie Lin ìSO) |
iqv[Ijĥ|Qìqv`wѾɺts@~ |
oìqv`h`qveAOKQCkjɺtOEJ(Eric Rohmer)BKQTMѷqjc(Sidney Lumet)BMCQCJҼwEL(Claude Chabrol)ApOqvɪǩ_HFCQ~JML٦XۡmưϦҧJ@~znAHҬOiqvOjsݼvHSOɺt.... |
/ ڶzs |
mMک_anBridge to Terabithia |
Leslie: Im really glad I came. That whole Jesus thing, its really interesting, isnt it?
May Belle: Its not interesting; its scary! Its nailing holes through a hand. Its cause were all vile sinners. God made Jesus die.
Leslie: You really think thats true?
Jesse: Its in the Bible, Leslie.
Leslie: You have to believe it, and you hate it. I dont have to believe it, and I think its beautiful.
May Belle: You gotta believe the Bible, Leslie.
Leslie: Why?
May Belle: Cause if you dont believe in the Bible, God will damn you to Hell when you die.
Leslie: Hell! May Belle, where did you hear that?
May Belle: Thats right, huh, Jess? God damns you to hell if you dont believe in the Bible.
Jesse: I think so.
Leslie: Well, I dont think so. I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to Hell. Hes too busy running all this!